Would It Be Proper for Miss Amor to Continue Having an Affair With Mr Salem

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Sep 28, 2022 rated it it was amazing
awww, i think this actually might be JEWs best written book. each sentence is purposeful, meaningful, and just so, so lovely. and the story itself is everything that is wonderful with the YA genre.

it focuses on the limitless possibilities of youth and the ability to forge whatever path you want, the comfort of family (whether its the one that you are born into or the one that finds you), the sweetness of friendships that become first loves, and the magic of small towns.

also, i think fans of ast

awww, i think this actually might be JEWs best written book. each sentence is purposeful, meaningful, and just so, so lovely. and the story itself is everything that is wonderful with the YA genre.

it focuses on the limitless possibilities of youth and the ability to forge whatever path you want, the comfort of family (whether its the one that you are born into or the one that finds you), the sweetness of friendships that become first loves, and the magic of small towns.

also, i think fans of astronomy and the human connection to space will really enjoy mason as a character. all of the quotes i would have highlighted if i annotated books came from his chapters.

but overall, a very sweet, if not innocent, story that has a lot to offer.

4.5 stars

**4.5-stars rounded up**

Willow dreams of traveling the world. Her first big move would be a study aboard program in France for her entire Senior year, but her Mom puts a big kibosh on that idea before it even gets off the ground.

Feeling confused by her mother's detached nature, Willow is further surprised when her Mom tells her they need to leave immediately to travel to Salem, Massachusetts, to settle the estate of an Aunt that Willow has never even heard of. Her mother had a sister!?

Yeah, Will

**4.5-stars rounded up**

Willow dreams of traveling the world. Her first big move would be a study aboard program in France for her entire Senior year, but her Mom puts a big kibosh on that idea before it even gets off the ground.

Feeling confused by her mother's detached nature, Willow is further surprised when her Mom tells her they need to leave immediately to travel to Salem, Massachusetts, to settle the estate of an Aunt that Willow has never even heard of. Her mother had a sister!?

Yeah, Willow had no clue. Her Mom doesn't talk a lot about her early life, but this is pushing it even for her.

Not really having an option in the matter, Willow goes along for the journey. In a way it's what she wants, to travel. She's intrigued by the quirky little town they discover and the people, even quirkier.

Mason has been in and out of the Boston foster care system for a while. Some placements have been okay, some have been bad, but his end goal has always remained the same. He needs to get back to his Mom. They belong together.

Mason was removed from his mother's care because she is an addict, who has been unable to care for him. Now he is getting ready to go into a new placement. It's a little different this time, as the woman, Emma, was once best friends with his Mom.

Emma lives with her husband and their four daughters in Salem, Massachusetts.

They're both new in town, strangers to everyone, but when their paths randomly cross one night under the bright New England stars, it seems like Willow and Mason were fated to know one another.

The two become fast friends as he helps her try to solve a mystery involving her mother's family. All the while she's helping him with his own life without even realizing it.

Y'all, this book left me speechless. It's definitely a slow burn, but man, did it creep up on me with a vengeance. The last few chapters held so many moments that brought tears to my eyes, choked me up, left me gasping with the beauty of it all.

I have read all of Jenna Evans Welch's other novels and have enjoyed them all, giving both Love & Gelato and Love & Olives 5-stars, but this book has a power behind it that none of those had.

Those are great books, but this is a special book. It's a heavy hitter that has the ability to open hearts and minds to perspectives that may not have been considered before. That's some serious stuff.

Both Willow and Mason are on the cusp of adulthood and both have visions of what they want their futures to be like. Unfortunately, both of them are struggling with unresolved family issues that could put a serious damper on their abilities to thrive.

I loved how they came together at the right time and were able to both gain insight from one another that helped them with their own path.

Although their circumstances are completely different, I think they found unlikely allies with one another and that was something they both desperately needed.

In addition to the hard-hitting Contemporary story, I loved just the overall feel of this book. Due to the setting, which plays such a role in this story, it really has a great, cozy Autumn vibe.

If you are looking for an atmospheric Autumnal read, but maybe aren't a fan of Horror, or spooky stories, this could be a great fit for you. You'll want to grab a hot beverage, some tissues and a cozy sweater as you get swept away by this engaging tale of love, magic, family and friendship.

I definitely recommend it!!

Thank you so much to the publisher, Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, for providing me with a copy to read and review.

I cannot wait to see what Jenna Evans Welch gives us next!!

Mlpmom (Book Reviewer)
This has to be one of my most favorites books by Welch to date.

I adored everything about it. From the hint of magic. to the real life issues that almost anyone, some how can relate to, the family dynamics, in all their different sizes, shapes and forms and of course, the absolutely endearing love this book has. Everything about it was truly magical and I couldn't get enough of it.

I found myself constantly thinking about the characters whenever I had to regretfully put the book down and I was so

This has to be one of my most favorites books by Welch to date.

I adored everything about it. From the hint of magic. to the real life issues that almost anyone, some how can relate to, the family dynamics, in all their different sizes, shapes and forms and of course, the absolutely endearing love this book has. Everything about it was truly magical and I couldn't get enough of it.

I found myself constantly thinking about the characters whenever I had to regretfully put the book down and I was so sad that it ended while at the same time being perfectly happy and content with how it ended. I did not want this beautiful, deep, wonderfully magical story to be over and I know this will be one I will be thinking about long after I have finished it.

*ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.*

Sarah {The Clever Reader}
Awe! I loved this one. It is definitely different than the Love & Gelato series which made it more enjoyable. I love that series don't get me wrong but it was nice to read something that felt new and fresh.

Willow didn't know her mother had such a mysterious past until she finds herself in Salem with three very eccentric aunts and letters from an aunt she never got to meet.

Mason's been searching for his mother for years and now finds himself living in a foster home consisting of his mother's ch

Awe! I loved this one. It is definitely different than the Love & Gelato series which made it more enjoyable. I love that series don't get me wrong but it was nice to read something that felt new and fresh.

Willow didn't know her mother had such a mysterious past until she finds herself in Salem with three very eccentric aunts and letters from an aunt she never got to meet.

Mason's been searching for his mother for years and now finds himself living in a foster home consisting of his mother's childhood best friend and someone he's never known before.

I enjoyed the contemporary storyline for both Willow and Mason with all the touches of Salem. I thought their stories intertwined perfectly, the characters well developed, and it had the right amount of slow burn. I definitely recommend this to anyone who has loved Jenna Evans Welch's prior books.

Lauren (thebookscript)
THIS BOOK. My heart is full. This is the type of book to make you fall in love with YA all over again! Set in Salem Massachusetts in the summer…this book is full to the brim with the magic of first love, witchcraft, lost letters and the whimsy of Salem itself.

I didn't know what to expect other than now I'm going grabby for Jenna's entire backlist! It's one of those books where you forget you're reading because you become fully immersed in the story.

I looooved Willow and Mason. Two teens who fe

THIS BOOK. My heart is full. This is the type of book to make you fall in love with YA all over again! Set in Salem Massachusetts in the summer…this book is full to the brim with the magic of first love, witchcraft, lost letters and the whimsy of Salem itself.

I didn't know what to expect other than now I'm going grabby for Jenna's entire backlist! It's one of those books where you forget you're reading because you become fully immersed in the story.

I looooved Willow and Mason. Two teens who feel the weight of broken families and find peaceful solace in each other's company. Mason is delightful and earnest and everything wholesome and good. I shed tears for his journey and loved his POV immensely. Willow was just as fabulous and I think you should definitely go meet her.

All in all this is the perfect step into fall read. I want to book my trip to Salem Massachusetts and experience the magic of the "one perfect day" in this book. This is a beautiful story that made me smile, and cry and enveloped me in a warm hug.

It is a book about the power of found family and how loving others and letting them love us can be our greatest strengths.

Jun 27, 2022 rated it really liked it
thank you netgalley, simon & schuster books for young readers, and jenna evans welch for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review! i've been wanting to read love & gelato for a long time and once i was approved for this one i immediately started reading it. this is such a cute book that follows our two main characters, willow and mason, as they're both in salem, massachusetts for different reasons.

willow is a great character and i could really relate to her desire to travel the worl

thank you netgalley, simon & schuster books for young readers, and jenna evans welch for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review! i've been wanting to read love & gelato for a long time and once i was approved for this one i immediately started reading it. this is such a cute book that follows our two main characters, willow and mason, as they're both in salem, massachusetts for different reasons.

willow is a great character and i could really relate to her desire to travel the world. her family is also very fascinating and unique and their connection with witchcraft and salem was so fascinating! the mystery aspect was also really fun and getting to read the letters from willow's mysterious aunt sage.

mason has had a really sad childhood, but it's heartwarming to see him start to connect with his new foster family in salem. his relationship with willow also progresses in a really cute way and i liked how they both started to open up to one another. it's obvious that they have a lot of chemistry and help each other a lot which was great to see.

overall, this is a great ya book. it has romance, but also complicated family relationships, a little bit of witchcraft, and a mystery. i highly recommend this one!

Jen ♥Star-Crossed Book Blog♥
Spells for Lost Things was an emotional tale filled with family, friendship, love and hints of magic. This book reached into my heart so easily. The characters were so vivid and bright. The story-line made me read this book way too fast. I loved every minute of it, even the moments that made me cry. If you're looking for a sweet young adult story filled with magic, first love, family mysteries and deep emotions, then definitely make for sure you have this one on your tbr!
"I love this place,"
Spells for Lost Things was an emotional tale filled with family, friendship, love and hints of magic. This book reached into my heart so easily. The characters were so vivid and bright. The story-line made me read this book way too fast. I loved every minute of it, even the moments that made me cry. If you're looking for a sweet young adult story filled with magic, first love, family mysteries and deep emotions, then definitely make for sure you have this one on your tbr!
"I love this place," I blurt out.
"Me too," she says. And then there's this moment where we smile at each other, and for one tiny second I swear the entire world stands still.

We alternated the story between Willow and Mason, and both of them were both so easy to connect with. Willow felt adrift in the world. Her passion in life was traveling. With divorced parents who were both too busy to give her their time, Willow felt so utterly alone. Mason was in the system and had been in and out of foster homes over the years. When he landed up being placed with his mom's old best friend and her family, Mason's whole life changed. Yes he still felt alone but he was determined more than ever to find his mom and be back with her again. When fate landed Willow and Mason together, they both grow in leaps and bounds trying to figure out where they both fit in this world. And along the way, love helped them both in unexpected places.
How do I tell him Everything in my future feels fuzzy except for you?

Willow's pain radiated out of her and into readers hearts. Her dad was busy with his new family and her mom was absorbed with her work. Neither had time for Willow. It felt like her parents moved on with their lives after the divorce and Willow was left behind in the dust. And her closest friend was a plane flight away. When her mom dragged her to Salem, to settle an estate for an aunt she never knew she existed, Willow started to get peaks into her mom's life from the past. Willow got to meet her witchy aunts. She read spell books. And was sent on a treasure hunt to break a curse. Willow was focused, had big aspirations and had a kind, gentle soul. She was someone you could talk to for hours and trust with your deepest darkest secrets. She was exactly who Mason needed in his life.
There are so many ways a relationship can go wrong, it's amazing we keep trying at all.

Mason was drowning in pain too. His mom was an addict and that landed him in foster care. When an old best friend of his mom's stepped in and said she would foster him, Mason ended up in Salem too. I loved Emma, his new foster mom. Her, her husband and the three little girls in their house completely exploded Mason's world. With glitter, love and coffee they slowly started to win Mason over. And my heart was bursting for him just to give them a true chance. So I loved when we got to see Mason trying, like breaking into Nova's world. Or when he allowed the two littler girls to play makeup with him. Or even being able to connect with Emma over their love of coffee. Those moments, no matter how quick they were, meant everything. My heart burst with happiness when Mason would smile or relax around his new foster family. But most of all I loved how he instantly clicked with Willow. It was like destiny was in the stars that they were to meet.
Things that Willow and the Night Sky Have in Common:
1. Beautiful
2. Unpredictable
3. Makes you glad to be alive.

Willow and Mason both clang to hope that their future would lead them to greater things. Willow with traveling and Mason being with his mom again. Yet neither of them were living in the moment, it felt like they were constantly waiting for the future to happen. So when they met it was like they both got to take a deep breath. And when they were together, they lived in those moments. It was sweet, kind and honest. And as they opened up, their friendship became deep so quick. It felt real. It felt like I was there with them. And with witchcraft, secrets, fate, and acceptance, they both were on an emotional journey to discover who they both were. While falling in love along the way.
"Every minute with you is magic."

With magic in the air, Spells for Lost Things was such a huge hit! Treasure hunts, spells, acceptance and love made this book impossible to put down! There were moments of laughter and there were also moments where tears kept falling down my face. This book tugged on my heart constantly. And with Willow and Mason, I wanted them desperately to be each other's light in their lives. But at the same time, I wanted their family lives to finally bring them happiness too. Spells for Lost Things was an adorable, emotional tale and I'm looking forward to reading all of Welch's other books!

PS While I wouldn't list this book as paranormal, because the spell/witch aspect seemed like it could be in our everyday world. There were a few things that left me questioning just maybe it was more than a contemporary. Like, how did the aunties know about their loves in food? I truly don't know lol. But I guess anything is possible. ♥

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the publisher. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

For more of my reviews, please visit:
descriptive text here

2.5 rounded up
I just Could Not connect with this book. Mason's POV was so much more compelling the Willows and I believe it was the only reason I finished this book. I am striking out with Spooktober reads lately.
Amy (TheSouthernGirlReads)
Thank you Libro.fm for my ALC...all opinions are my own.

When I tell you I adored this book...I ADORED this book. Jenna Evans Welch is always a good one for me and this time. She outdid herself.

We meet Willow (POV 1) and Mason (POV 2) and get separate back stories as to where they are and what has been happening in their lives up to the moment they both land in Salem, MA. I love them. They are such fantastic characters. The magic sprinkled in was chef's kiss. The setting. Amazing. Honestly, I'm g

Thank you Libro.fm for my ALC...all opinions are my own.

When I tell you I adored this book...I ADORED this book. Jenna Evans Welch is always a good one for me and this time. She outdid herself.

We meet Willow (POV 1) and Mason (POV 2) and get separate back stories as to where they are and what has been happening in their lives up to the moment they both land in Salem, MA. I love them. They are such fantastic characters. The magic sprinkled in was chef's kiss. The setting. Amazing. Honestly, I'm gonna say this was perfection. I did get a little sad at the end as there is some serious stuff going on and it comes to an end in a way I was hoping wouldn't happen. You still get a HEA...but as a mom. I was tearing up a bit.

Overall. If you want a sweet little YA...this is a great choice.

Lea Brousseau

I came close to DNF this book many times but stuck it out to give a full, honest review.

The premise of the book is interesting and could have made for an amazing story if done right. It's what drew me into the book initially. Unfortunately, in my opinion, it wasn't done the way it could have been. The setting of Salem is full of history and was one of the high points of the book but I feel like there were some missed opportunities in using that history to more fully flesh out the story.



I came close to DNF this book many times but stuck it out to give a full, honest review.

The premise of the book is interesting and could have made for an amazing story if done right. It's what drew me into the book initially. Unfortunately, in my opinion, it wasn't done the way it could have been. The setting of Salem is full of history and was one of the high points of the book but I feel like there were some missed opportunities in using that history to more fully flesh out the story.

Full of stereotypes and clichés in a way that made it pretty hard to connect to the story or the characters. The way women and girls were portrayed specifically rubbed me the wrong way a lot of the time, particularly with Mason's foster siblings. The storytelling a lot of the time came off cheesy, which isn't always a bad thing but when paired with the other issues I have just made reading it not a wholly enjoyable experience. This particular issue was more prevalent in Willow's sections, which I found as a whole less interesting than Mason's.

I did like that the story tackled the issues of addiction and the foster system. Those aren't things that are normally touched on in stories that aren't specifically marketed toward an older audience so that was nice to see.

Joleen (starlightbooktales)
One of the sweetest YA books I have read
Oct 01, 2022 rated it it was amazing
4.5 stars. My YA self would have loved this book. My much older adult self found it charming, if a little bit heavy on the teen angst, but I'm not the target audience so that's okay. I can't resist a setting in Salem. It's about finding friendship and family with some light romance and a little bit of witchcraft thrown into the mix. Very cute although it addresses some serious topics and has a couple of heartbreaking moments. I've had one of this author's previous books on my shelf for awhile so 4.5 stars. My YA self would have loved this book. My much older adult self found it charming, if a little bit heavy on the teen angst, but I'm not the target audience so that's okay. I can't resist a setting in Salem. It's about finding friendship and family with some light romance and a little bit of witchcraft thrown into the mix. Very cute although it addresses some serious topics and has a couple of heartbreaking moments. I've had one of this author's previous books on my shelf for awhile so I'll definitely move that up higher in the TBR pile.

Thank you to Goodreads Giveaways for the ARC.

Christine Manzari
Heartfelt and magical. It makes me want to visit Salem and discover magic too
Sep 16, 2022 rated it really liked it
This was a fantastic book! I loved Welch's other works and this was a bit of a departure in terms of setting, but still had that feeling of searching for something and the journey along the way. Willow is searching for a place that feels like home and Mason is searching for his mom, the only family he has. Both had some heartbreaking moments, but I think they found what they needed and maybe fell in love along the way.

The story flowed well and I loved the setting in Salem. That city has a lot o

This was a fantastic book! I loved Welch's other works and this was a bit of a departure in terms of setting, but still had that feeling of searching for something and the journey along the way. Willow is searching for a place that feels like home and Mason is searching for his mom, the only family he has. Both had some heartbreaking moments, but I think they found what they needed and maybe fell in love along the way.

The story flowed well and I loved the setting in Salem. That city has a lot of history and is on my bucket list for sure. I'm a big fan of the witchy vibes and putting your intentions out into the universe. Both characters were well developed and I rooted for their journeys to end well. The romance isn't heavy, it's sweet and made me smile.

Christina (Confessions of a Book Addict)
Willow and Mason both find themselves at Salem, Massachusetts, but for very different reasons. Mason is at a new foster home, but deep down inside he hopes to one day be reunited with his mother. Willow is visiting Salem, because her mom is dealing with an unexpected family inheritance. This surprises Willow as she didn't know about her family from Salem and her mother isn't giving too much away about her mysterious past. When Willow and Mason meet, there is an instant connection between the two Willow and Mason both find themselves at Salem, Massachusetts, but for very different reasons. Mason is at a new foster home, but deep down inside he hopes to one day be reunited with his mother. Willow is visiting Salem, because her mom is dealing with an unexpected family inheritance. This surprises Willow as she didn't know about her family from Salem and her mother isn't giving too much away about her mysterious past. When Willow and Mason meet, there is an instant connection between the two. Willow relies on Mason to help her navigate things with her family including a possible family curse. Jenna Evans Welch's Spells for Lost Things is a cute YA magical romance with a strong focus on family.
Read the rest of my review here:
Ms. Yingling
E ARC provided by Edelweiss Plus

Willow has had a hard time since her parents divorced; when the family lived in Brooklyn, her parents spent time with her, but now her mother has moved them to California so she can run her swanky event planning business, and her father is busy with his new wife and triplets. Willow loves spending time with her cousin Bea in France, and has a plan to spend her senior year there. When her mother shoots that down, she is crushed, and also surprised that her mother s

E ARC provided by Edelweiss Plus

Willow has had a hard time since her parents divorced; when the family lived in Brooklyn, her parents spent time with her, but now her mother has moved them to California so she can run her swanky event planning business, and her father is busy with his new wife and triplets. Willow loves spending time with her cousin Bea in France, and has a plan to spend her senior year there. When her mother shoots that down, she is crushed, and also surprised that her mother seems so affected by the query. A short time later, her mother receives news that her twin sister Sage has died and left her a house in Salem, Massachusetts. Willow is gobsmacked-- her mother never even mentioned a twin, and has always claimed to be from Long Island. The two take off to deal with the estate in Salem. Also in that historic town is Mason, who has been brought there by his social worker after a long line of foster placements. Mason's mother struggles with addiction, hasn't cared for him for eight years, and now can't be contacted. He is being sent to live with his mother's best friend, Emma Morgan, who lives with her husband and four girls. Mason, who has run away from foster homes because he really just wants to be with his mother, settles in reluctantly, and struggles with how much Emma reminds me of his mom, especially since she doesn't talk to him much. He also struggles with the four girls, especially the youngest ones who like to put make up on him and rope him into elaborate plays. Willow and Mason are connected through Sage's house; Mason's foster father is the real estate agent. It's a spectacular house that Sage renovated, but Willow's mom wants nothing to do with it. When the two both sneak into the house and run into each other, Mason leaves his notebook there, Willow picks it up, and Willow eventually determines that Mason would be helpful in solving the mysteries that are in letters that the aunt has left for her. Matters are somewhat complicated by the fact that her mother's aunts are all self proclaimed witches who swear there is a family curse on all of the Bell women. As Willow struggles with her mother's past and her deep desire to stay in the aunt's house, and Morgan struggles with fitting in to his new family and dealing with his feelings of his mother's abandonment, the two develop a supportive romantic relationship.
Strengths: Welch's Love and Gelato has been super popular with my students, and there's even a Netflix film version of it now. (Along with one of Dessen's Along for the Ride! How did I not know this?) This has all of the elements that I love to read; teens struggling with their parents, a light romance, a fun setting (now I sort of want to visit Salem!), and interesting supportive characters. Mason's story is definitely the more compelling one, and it's good to see him land with a supportive foster familyand eventually feel that this is a good placement. It's a young adult book, so a bit on the longer side, but is completely a middle grade appropriate romance with shy looks and maybe a kiss. I just enjoyed that they are friends but both have crushes on the other. This is told from both of their viewpoints.
Weaknesses: Willow came across as very entitled at first and I had a hard time feeling sorry for her lack of "feeling at home" or being thwarted in her attempts to travel. Young readers won't think so much about that. I also couldn't get into the family mystery of the curse as much, but it was fine. I found Mason's story much more interesting, so kept rushing to get back to his viewpoint.
What I really think: Definitely purchasing. I love the cover, the Salem setting will help sell this, and I do still have some readers who really want high school romance books that are not...instructive. Haven't seen a whole lot of those recently, so I'm glad to see this new title.

Sep 11, 2022 rated it it was amazing
Spells For Lost Things is a whimsical coming of age story that will have you shedding a few tears!

This book has everything you could want and need from a fall read: witches, romance, mystery, realistic family dynamics, humor and magic. This was the perfect cozy read to transition from summer to fall!

I loved the mix of real world emotions and struggles with fantasy elements and unique and relatable characters.

Thank you NetGalley and the author for the arc ebook in exchange for an honest review.

Stacia | stacialovestoread
DNF on page 34

Having read the author's previous works, I thought this book would be similar, but with the magic of Salem, MA sprinkled in.
Twas not.

Thank you to Simon & Schuster for sending me this free book in exchange for an honest review.

ضحى الحداد
Oct 09, 2022 rated it really liked it
3.5 stars
only Jenna welch knows how to make me enjoy things I don't usually enjoy, case on point this book has Halloween-ish vibe and if you know me it's my least favorite holiday in the year, yet I enjoyed the Halloween atmosphere and really wanted to visit Salem in this time of the year
The story is about Willow, she has a case of not wanting to settle down since her parents divorce, all she wants is to travel everywhere, specially that her mom is emotionally distant and her dad is already rema
3.5 stars
only Jenna welch knows how to make me enjoy things I don't usually enjoy, case on point this book has Halloween-ish vibe and if you know me it's my least favorite holiday in the year, yet I enjoyed the Halloween atmosphere and really wanted to visit Salem in this time of the year
The story is about Willow, she has a case of not wanting to settle down since her parents divorce, all she wants is to travel everywhere, specially that her mom is emotionally distant and her dad is already remarried and has a family of his own, then she get the news that her aunt ( her mom's twin ), an aunt she didn't know existed has actually died and left a house in Salem for her mom, and hopefully to break the curse that was on their family since the beginning of Salem, then we will meet Mason, he is a foster child with an addict mother, and he tries his best to find his mother, and now he is placed with a family in Salem, the two meet in a chance encounter in Willow's aunt house and together they will embark on a little adventure to find the source of the curse and maybe love ..
as I said the overall vibe of the book was on point, but the romance really left me wanting more, I think if the book was from one point of view (preferably Willow's) it would've been a much experience for me because everything was brushed over and Mason's story didn't deserve this much because nothing was happening with him, I'm really glad I read this book but I think Jenna should stick with one POV it will be much better in my opinion :)
I'm All Booked Up  YA
*We received this book in exchange for an honest review.*

Willow and Mason have lived opposite lives on different coasts. Willow lives with her rich mom outside of Los Angeles in a fancy modern house, while Mason has spent the last few years in the foster care system in Boston. But two things happen at the same time, leading to Willow and Mason to travel to the mysterious Salem, Massachusetts.

Willow didn't even know her mom had a sister. But when her mom tells Willow that the unknown sister passe

*We received this book in exchange for an honest review.*

Willow and Mason have lived opposite lives on different coasts. Willow lives with her rich mom outside of Los Angeles in a fancy modern house, while Mason has spent the last few years in the foster care system in Boston. But two things happen at the same time, leading to Willow and Mason to travel to the mysterious Salem, Massachusetts.

Willow didn't even know her mom had a sister. But when her mom tells Willow that the unknown sister passed away, the two set off to Salem to get the estate settled. At the same time, Mason's mom's former best friend Emma decides she wants to take him in, leading to Mason to move to Salem with Emma, her husband and her four daughters.

When Willow arrives in Salem, everything goes crazy. Turns out she knows nothing about her mom's childhood, including her real name. And she has a few aunts…who claim to be witches. Willow's mom even had a Book of Shadows.

By chance, Willow and Mason cross paths late one night on the roof of a house. They didn't speak to each other, but the two felt a strange connection. By the next day, the two are thrown together again. When it's clear something strange is happening in this town and it has to do with Willow's family secrets, Mason is eager to help and to get closer to Willow. The two don't have many clues to start off with, but they're determined to learn the truth about the previous generations of Salem witches.

We're big fans of Love & Gelato and Love & Olives, so we were surprised that Welch's latest had to do with magic and wasn't set in Europe. However, the Salem setting and the mention of witches had us excited to read this YA book to kickoff spooky season ready. While it's isn't a scary book, it's still a fun read for this time of year.

We found Willow and Mason to be intriguing characters from the begging. We could tell they would get along before meeting they met because of the shared trauma of absent parents. Willow's mom was terrible and her dad was too obsessed with his new family to pay attention to his oldest child. As for Mason's family, we get details about his mom at the beginning and everything he had to endure because of that.

Willow and Mason are thrown together to solve the mystery of the Bell family, which is Willow's mother's family. A witch cursed the women of the family generations ago. The aunts told Willow it's her duty to learn the truth, with the help of an assistant. The clues and backstory were really interesting to learn about. An ancestor named Lily Bell was cursed by a witch at a garden party. The question is, why Lily?

As the two learn the secrets of the small new England town, they become closer. It was nice to see them open up to each other about their pasts and their dreams for the future. The romance is really cute and we shipped them together from the start. However, we found it to be a little too slowburn. It Takes almost until the end of the book for anything to happen.

Which leads us to our next point, the ending felt a bit unresolved. We know about the curse and why Willow's mom stayed away, but we don't really see what happens next. Welch left it too open ended. We have many questions about where the characters end up after those days spent together in Salem.

Overall, Spells for Lost Things is a cozy mystery with magic and romance sprinkled in. While we enjoyed it overall, we think the story need an epilogue and wish we got more romantic scenes.

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Marina Teixeira
When I saw the theme of this book, I was super excited to read it. But having received an ARC directly from the author before release tripled that feeling.
I'm sure this will be another Jenna hit. As in Amor e Lovros, the author transported me to the place where the story takes place. Salem seems to be really full of magic and now I want to know it too.
With fluid and immersive writing, the author created captivating stories and complex characters, with well-explored traumas. It's impossible not
When I saw the theme of this book, I was super excited to read it. But having received an ARC directly from the author before release tripled that feeling.
I'm sure this will be another Jenna hit. As in Amor e Lovros, the author transported me to the place where the story takes place. Salem seems to be really full of magic and now I want to know it too.
With fluid and immersive writing, the author created captivating stories and complex characters, with well-explored traumas. It's impossible not to be moved by the trajectory of Mason and Willow, not to fall in love with the Morgans and the Bells and not love the magic in the pages.
The romance happens naturally and is super cute, the family relationships have great development and, in general, it was a very mature story. It was amazing the way she built the layers of relationships between the characters and it was exciting to see the endings of each trajectory. I cried a lot in this ending, especially with the Mason arc.
Finally, there are several amazing excerpts I wanted to quote, but only in September to update the review.
I'm sure everyone will love this magical book.
Oct 02, 2022 rated it it was amazing
I swear, no one does it like Jenna Evans Welch. This book was of course sweet and romantic, but so layered and complex, as well. It made me laugh and cry and was just so well written. I absolutely adored Willow and Mason (maybe my new favorite couple?) and loved getting to see how they started to lean on one another. This book also made me realize I guess I missed a lot of Salem because it was much more than just one weird run down mall and a bad museum as it turns out!
Colleen's Conclusions
Spells for lost things by Jenna Evans Welch was simply beautiful. I wasn't sure how I was going to like it at first but from the moment I finally started reading it this week I was enamored.

I loved all of the tidbits about Salem, the dual point of views, the writing, the storylines with the letters.

I do wish I had a finished copy of the book because there were some spelling mistakes here and there, but I do plan on buying a finished copy sometime in the future.

This was a five star rating. And

Spells for lost things by Jenna Evans Welch was simply beautiful. I wasn't sure how I was going to like it at first but from the moment I finally started reading it this week I was enamored.

I loved all of the tidbits about Salem, the dual point of views, the writing, the storylines with the letters.

I do wish I had a finished copy of the book because there were some spelling mistakes here and there, but I do plan on buying a finished copy sometime in the future.

This was a five star rating. And I did spot one reference to Hocus Pocus. Spells for lost things was simply beautiful. Thank you Netgalley and publishers for allowing chance to read and review. I think Jenna Evans Welch is now an auto buy author for me.

Sep 05, 2022 rated it it was amazing
The story follows Willow and Mason. Two teenagers who feel lost in the world. The chapters go back and forth from Willow's and Mason's points of view. You learn what each of them are going through and how both of their stories are woven together.

Willow was dealing with her parent's divorce and being forced to live in California. She then has to go to Salem MA because her aunt has passed away. Her aunt left her entire estate to Willow's mom. Willow finds out that she comes from a family of witch

The story follows Willow and Mason. Two teenagers who feel lost in the world. The chapters go back and forth from Willow's and Mason's points of view. You learn what each of them are going through and how both of their stories are woven together.

Willow was dealing with her parent's divorce and being forced to live in California. She then has to go to Salem MA because her aunt has passed away. Her aunt left her entire estate to Willow's mom. Willow finds out that she comes from a family of witches but there is a curse on them. Her aunt also left clues on the real story about the curse. Willow has three aunts in Salem who are witches and they are all so fun! They all have great personalities.

Mason is a stargazing foster child that moved from place to place. His mom's friend who lives in Salem decided to take him in to live with her and her family but all Mason wants is to find his mom again and be back together with her.

It was meant to be for them to both meet at that exact point in time. They both needed each other. And seeing their story intertwine and blossom from a friendship to something more is so heartwarming.

The story has all the witchy vibes so it's perfect for the fall season. The detail of the atmosphere brings me right back to a trip I had taken to Salem MA. It will make you want to drop whatever you are doing and go to Salem.

The ending will tug at your heartstrings. You won't be able to put this book down, you will keep wanting to know how both of their lives turn out.

Thanks to Netgalley and Simon and Schuster Children's Publishing for an eARC in exchange for my honest review.

Joji Dynamite
Sep 12, 2022 rated it it was amazing
I received an ARC, but my opinions are entirely my own.

I thought I knew the extent of my love for Jenna's writing, but this book made me fall in love all over again, and even harder. Set in Salem, Massachusetts from dual perspectives against the backdrop of loss, self discovery, and first love, Jenna weaves a cozy story that feels like comfort food for the soul. After a life altering event forces Willow to realize that she may not know her mother as well as she thought she did, Willow travels to

I received an ARC, but my opinions are entirely my own.

I thought I knew the extent of my love for Jenna's writing, but this book made me fall in love all over again, and even harder. Set in Salem, Massachusetts from dual perspectives against the backdrop of loss, self discovery, and first love, Jenna weaves a cozy story that feels like comfort food for the soul. After a life altering event forces Willow to realize that she may not know her mother as well as she thought she did, Willow travels to Salem with her mother. With the help of eccentric, lovable aunties and a magnetic and enigmatic boy, Willow embarks on a journey of self-discovery as she explores her family's roots. My most profound takeaway from this book was the importance of connection. Jenna adeptly navigates emotional terrains that explore how connection with nature, friends, family, found family, and oneself can heal emotional wounds, making one feel whole again. Spells for Lost Things has found a permanent nook in my heart with other cozy season essentials like Practical Magic, Hocus Pocus, and The Witches.

Novel Notices
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with a digital ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

For anyone wanting a condensed version of the review or a guide to the content (violence, language, sexual content) in this book, check here: https://www.novelnotices.com/spells-f...

Spells for Lost Things follows Willow and Mason, two teens struggling to find their place in their lives, as they search for information on Willow's family curse and Mason searches for his mothe

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with a digital ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

For anyone wanting a condensed version of the review or a guide to the content (violence, language, sexual content) in this book, check here: https://www.novelnotices.com/spells-f...

Spells for Lost Things follows Willow and Mason, two teens struggling to find their place in their lives, as they search for information on Willow's family curse and Mason searches for his mother.  And of course, they end up falling for each other too.

Coming into this book, I was so excited.  I wanted to love it will all my heart, especially after enjoying Love & Gelato and Love & Olives so much.  But the more I read, I just—couldn't.  There was nothing special or endearing about Willow and Mason.  I felt bad for them at times, but I just couldn't really get myself to care for them.  I understand that each of them are going through things far harder than I ever have, but that did nothing to make me like them.  I had HUGE issues with the pacing of the romance too.  I was 50% into the book when they started talking to each other, and their relationship was so insta-lovey.  I was really upset because Jenna Evans Welch had always written solid romances before.

Without any spoilers, the curse didn't make much sense to me and all the reveals were very anti-climatic.  I also didn't understand the witchcraft going on in the book.  Not only did I internally groan every time the witch-aunts came into the scene (and whenever they were referred to as the aunties every other page), but I didn't understand them.  Welch might have been going for a more loose, interpret-this-how-you-will conclusion with their magic, but it didn't feel like that to me.  Instead, it felt like Welch wanted to break away from her normal realistic fiction, but just couldn't.  Because I read an ARC (thanks, Netgalley!), there were multiple grammar and formatting errors that made it a bit confusing to read, but other than the writing was fine, the style similar to that of her other works.

Another thing I also wasn't a fan of was the huge info-dumps that the author dropped on you in the first few chapters.  I found it extremely annoying that Welch didn't trust us to read into all the other hints and clues she dropped in the book to flesh out the story of Mason and Willow's lives.  Besides that, the pacing was all off and the romance completely rushed (along with the other relationships in the book).  It did get better near the end, but not enough to redeem the beginning in my mind, so I rounded 2.5 down to 2.

I could go on, but I don't want to dissect it much more.  As a last side note, I would also like to point out for anyone curious that this book has nothing to do with the Salem Witch Trials.  I was interested to see if Welch would tie it in because she chose that specific setting, but in the end she didn't.

I'll give any more books Jenna Evans Welch writes a try, but this just was not it for me.

Advanced Review Copy:

I feel like Simon Cowell on America's Got Talent when he is just red-buzzering everyone that day.

Set in Salem, I appreciated the ambiance in Spell for Lost Things - you feel like you are there surrounded by the cheesy tourist shops, history, and old houses in quaint neighborhoods.

However, the story seems stereotypical and surface-level - it's about "witches" but not the Salem witch trials, which seems like an odd aspect to leave out?!

I rolled my eyes a lot, especially o

Advanced Review Copy:

I feel like Simon Cowell on America's Got Talent when he is just red-buzzering everyone that day.

Set in Salem, I appreciated the ambiance in Spell for Lost Things - you feel like you are there surrounded by the cheesy tourist shops, history, and old houses in quaint neighborhoods.

However, the story seems stereotypical and surface-level - it's about "witches" but not the Salem witch trials, which seems like an odd aspect to leave out?!

I rolled my eyes a lot, especially over the use of "aunties," as well as when one auntie walks out naked before a witch ceremony.

The plot drags - I skimmed to the end - and I had no investment in the characters. Simon and his story just seem to be on repeat.

Simon's new family and the portrayal of women/young girls are a bit over the top. Young girls are more than chatter, make-up, and playing theater and dress-up.

I don't care for calling Willow "the mermaid" over and over again, even upon learning her name. The way women are overall portrayed in this story is harmful and disappointing.

The family curse made no sense for this plot (I'm confused, honestly). I've seen many reviews talking about this.

Unlike Jenna's lighter books, Spells for Lost Things took on the foster care system, which was not adequately portrayed.

Honestly, from the moment I realized what she was writing about - witches, drug addiction, & the foster care system - I was worried.

It's cringe-worthy. The cover is cute... that's about it.

I should note that I enjoyed Love & Gelato and loved Love & Olives. This one was a huge disappointment.

Thank you to Simon and Schuster Books for Young Readers for a free advanced copy in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Spells for Lost Things is set to publish on September 27, 2022.

Dee | shhh.thisisalibrary
First off I would like to start off by thanking (insert publisher here) for gifting me the advance reader copy of this beautiful book! (I already have a pre order autographed copy on its way once it releases!)

Jenna does it again! If you've read her Love & series this is a must for you!
Jenna always just knows how to write in a way that even though it's a YA book it feels like anyone can read this young or old. She also always makes me feel like I'm there in these places she describes in her stori

First off I would like to start off by thanking (insert publisher here) for gifting me the advance reader copy of this beautiful book! (I already have a pre order autographed copy on its way once it releases!)

Jenna does it again! If you've read her Love & series this is a must for you!
Jenna always just knows how to write in a way that even though it's a YA book it feels like anyone can read this young or old. She also always makes me feel like I'm there in these places she describes in her stories, like I've been there. She knows how to paint a picture in the readers head of setting and atmosphere.

Jenna is super good at making her stories feel relatable. A lot of the things the character Willow go through I have been through and experienced myself. The good and the bad. I can definitely relate to Willows character.

I wasn't sure how I felt at first about the back and forth story telling of Willow then Mason but as the story progressed i see that it was necessary and like the back and forth a lot even if some times it felt it dragged the story our some times.

What a truly magical whimsical book and it will be one that I cherish for all time!
As I said at the beginning Jenna does it again! Please go read this magical book it has everything you need in book. I didn't want to give too much away I hate spoilers!
I hope you enjoyed my little review and if you are in love with her other books and want this newest release you can preorder it now or get it once it releases on 9/27/22! It won't disappoint!

Jenna Evans Welch was the kind of insatiable child reader who had no choice but to grow up to become a writer. She is the New York Times Bestselling author of LOVE & GELATO and the upcoming LOVE & LUCK. When she isn't writing girl abroad stories, Jenna can be found chasing her children or making elaborate messes in the kitchen. She lives in Salt Lake City, Utah with her husband and two young child Jenna Evans Welch was the kind of insatiable child reader who had no choice but to grow up to become a writer. She is the New York Times Bestselling author of LOVE & GELATO and the upcoming LOVE & LUCK. When she isn't writing girl abroad stories, Jenna can be found chasing her children or making elaborate messes in the kitchen. She lives in Salt Lake City, Utah with her husband and two young children. ...more

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