How Long Does It Take to Hear Back From an Application Square Enix
Recruitment FAQs
Answers to frequently asked questions and other information.
Frequently Asked Questions
Questions regarding applicationQuestions regarding selectionOther Questions
Questions regarding application
- Can I contact the company to make sure that the positions described on the webpage are still available to applicants?
- Positions described on the webpage are available on a continuing basis. You can apply for the position of your choice in accordance with the position details.
Note that positions not described on the webpage are not available to applicants.
- Can students apply for mid-career recruiting?
- Positions currently targeted for mid-career workers are in principle looking for full-time workers who can work five days a week, eight hours a day. Please understand that we cannot accept students for regular employee or contract employee positions.
- I am still in school and there is some time until graduation. Can I still apply for a position now?
- You may apply for a position on the assumption that you will be eligible for employment after graduation. Please note, however, that since our recruitments are targeted at mid-career applicants, immediate availability may factor into hiring decisions.
- Can I apply for a position even if I have no work experience?
- Some positions are looking for a wide range of applicants, including those without prior work experience. Please apply for the position of your choice in accordance with the position details.
- Can I apply for a position even if I have no special skills or work experience at a game company?
- Some positions are looking for a wide range of applicants, including those with no prior experience working at a game company, or without any special skills. Please refer to a position's required qualifications for a rough indication of what we are looking for. We can take into account a lack of work experience given the right applicant.
- To apply for a position, are there any restrictions or rules on nationality or residency (Japan or abroad)?
- There are no restrictions regarding nationality or residency when applying. Please apply for the position of your choice in accordance with the position details. After applicant screening, we can arrange your interview flexibly via telephone or other methods.
Please note in advance, however, that you must be able to work in the designated location once you are employed.
- Can I be informed whether my career or educational background fulfills the requirements for application?
- We cannot answer whether an applicant can apply for a position or not based on their skills or work experience. If you are interested in a position, we suggest you first apply for the position in accordance with the position details.
- Will my application forms be returned?
- We cannot return application forms or submitted work, and they will be destroyed at our responsibility.
- Can I reapply for the same or another position even if I was once rejected?
- You may reapply for the same or another position after rejection. Please note, however, that you will start from applicant screening along with other applicants.
- Are there employment types available other than those described in the position details?
- Only employment types described in the position details are available.
- Can I apply for more than one position at a time?
- If you apply for more than one position, please write your desired positions in the remarks column of your résumé or application form. You may be required to submit separate application forms. Please apply for the position of your choice in accordance with the position details.
- Should I send an application form to your head office?
- You should send your application form to the address described in the position details.
- Can I bring my work directly to the company?
- We cannot accept work brought in directly.
If you are required to submit sample work, please submit it in accordance with the position details.
- What kind of sample work is appropriate when applying for the position of designer?
- No specific rules are applied as long as your work satisfies the requirements of the position details. Please do not feel restricted when submitting your work.
Questions regarding selection
- Will I receive detailed information regarding the selection outcome?
- We cannot give explanations regarding the selection outcome.
- How long will it take to receive a final outcome after applying?
- In general, you can expect the application process to take around 30 days. Certain creative positions may take 1-and-a-half to 2 months to receive a final result.
- How will I be informed of the selection outcome?
- You will receive a notice of interview by e-mail, telephone or mail. Communication method varies depending on the position for which you applied.
Other Questions
- How can I request a company brochure or visit the company?
- We will not receive visiting applicants. You are recommended to confirm position details, the company profile, etc., on our website.
- Can I send my idea for a game?
- We do not accept ideas or proposals for games.
- I see there are two types of contract positions: N and P. Does the N contract guarantee future full-time employment?
Is future full-time employment possible with a P contract? -
- While an N contract allows for the shift to a full-time position, it does not guarantee it. Several factors, including personal performance and company need, will be taken into consideration when recommending an N contract employee for a full-time contract.
Full-time contracts are not available to those employees with P contracts.
How Long Does It Take to Hear Back From an Application Square Enix
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