Do I Have to Wait a Couple of Days Before Uploading More Contacts to Linked in?

Keep up with the latest hiring trends!

How do I get more connections on LinkedInLinkedIn is the largest CV database in the world with over 120 million global profiles including over 7.five million in the Great britain (24% of the available workforce), 520,000 in Ireland, four.6m in Canada, ii.5 meg in Australia and 630,000 in Singapore.  If you are an in-business firm corporate recruiter you lot can purchase this unabridged database (or at least the ability to search it and run across everyone's name and profile) for anything between Usa$ii.5k and ¢8k per user per yr.  All the same, if you lot are an agency recruiter or a corporate recruiter without that sort of budget, the best you lot can promise for is the ability to meet the full names of your first, 2nd and third caste connections leaving you scrambling to build your contact list to see the balance.  If you are lucky enough to ever reach LinkedIn's current ceiling of 30,000 contacts, you still probably won't be able to see everyone, unless that is you lot have completed our Blue Belt in Internet Recruitment course where we evidence you lot how to see everyone'due south full name with but one contact, even on a free account!

How to get more LinkedIn connectionsThree degrees of separation still shows y'all a lot of profiles so how does the average recruiter kickoff building their contacts chop-chop?  How can you become from 40 or 400 to 4,000 quality connections in a brusk menses of time?
The 1 affair that virtually every recruiter has in common is that we typically have access to some sort of database of contacts.  They may be previous applicants, CVs from the old days when people used to really apply to jobs on job boards, or information technology might be a spreadsheet list people yous have interviewed over the years.  Even a modest bureau typically has an applicant tracking arrangement or recruitment database (phone call it what yous may!) stuffed full of several grand contacts.  It never ceases to astonish me that these aforementioned recruiters are still struggling to attain the illusive 500+ connections when they are sitting on and then much candidate data.

Here's my golden rule when it comes to hyperlinks on LinkedIn: the smaller the print, chances are the more useful the awarding and this has never been more true than when it comes to adding contacts. Did yous know that you tin upload all of the contacts from your database or Excel spreadsheet and LinkedIn will tell you lot which of those people take a LinkedIn profile?  What if I then told y'all that you could send an invite to these same people, in bulk, with several simple mouse clicks?  You can literally upload and cross references thousands of email addresses and send out invites to connect in minutes.  All you need to practice then is sit back and watch your number of connections explode!

Take I got your attention? Good? Let's abound your connectedness base.

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Step 1: You will need a list of eastward-mail addresses in an Excel spreadsheet.  Information technology doesn't affair if y'all have 30 other columns or simply one as long as there is at least one cavalcade full of email addresses.  About all CRM packages and databases back up the ability to export candidate or client details.  If you don't have permission then chances are that your manager does or your software vendor can perform a information dump.  I'll bargain with the question of why you should consider opening upwardly this data to your recruiters after in this post.

How to add LinkedIn ContactsStride 2: You need to save your Excel spreadsheet equally a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file.  If your data already comes in a file that ends in .csv so skip ahead to the adjacent Step.  From within Excel click on "File", "Save As" and change the file format to "Comma Separated Values".  Hit salvage, making certain you lot relieve the binder somewhere you tin can retrieve such as your Documents or Desktop.  Brand sure that your email data is on the first Work Sheet as CSV files don't support multiples sheets, hence they wont salvage anything past the outset canvass.  If you don't have a clue what I am talking about, you probably just have one Sheet so just plough on!

Add Connections on LinkedInStep 3: From anywhere inside LinkedIn, click on the "Contacts" tab near the top.  It'south the 3rd one from the left.  Now click on the "Add together Connections" drop-downwardly that will appear immediately below this tab.

Import Contacts into LinkedInStep 4: A light blue box will dominate your screen. In the bottom left of that box you will run across a line of blackness text that says "Do you use Outlook, Apple Mail or some other electronic mail awarding?". Merely beneath that in small impress (encounter, I love the small print) a clickable link entitled "Import your desktop e-mail contacts". Click on information technology.

Step v: A new window volition open that begins "Import your Desktop Email Contacts"; click "Cull File" and go discover that footling CSV file you lot saved in Step 2.  Once the dialogue window closes, click "Upload File".

Add New Contacts on LinkedInStep half dozen: If y'all are not immediately brought to a new window showing all of the connections you simply imported, practice non despair, it's probably because your listing is very big and will take a couple of minutes for LinkedIn to procedure.  Just go back to Contacts and click on "Connections".  You will run across 4 tabs along the meridian first with "Connections" and followed by "Imported Contacts", "Contour Organizer" and "Network Statistics".  Click on the tab entitled "Imported Contacts", 2d from the left.

Increasing your contacts on LinkedInFootstep seven: Your Imported Contacts page shows all of your imported contacts in alphabetical order, grouping contacts by letter, beginning with A.  To admission the "B's", "C's", "D's" etc you only need to click on the private letters to the left.  All of your contact names that are highlighted in blackness CANNOT be cross-referenced on LinkedIn.  This doesn't necessarily hateful that they don't accept a LinkedIn account, it only means that they don't have that exact email address registered against their account.  All of the names that are highlighted in Blue and that display the blue "in" icon to the right of the proper name are definitely on LinkedIn.  We recommend that you begin by adding contacts that are definitely on LinkedIn, i.e. the "blue" contacts. You will need to manually select the tick-box to the left of their names.  Unfortunately y'all will need to manually click on every single contact that you want to invite, scrolling through upward to 27 pages of results (there is a # page for names starting time with a number or a special character).  Whilst there is a "Select All" choice at the acme of each page, it will also select the people who aren't registered on LinkedIn with that email address.  If y'all send information technology to these people so it literally only sends them a request to that e-mail address asking them if they would like to join LinkedIn and connect with you lot. Nosotros're not big fans of this.

Step 8. When yous have hand-picked all of the contacts you desire to connect with you lot simply click the "Invite Selected Contacts" push button to the right mitt side of your screen.  That's information technology.  Y'all're done!


So, the merely question left to answer is why a visitor or agency would allow their staff to use the visitor's private applicant or candidate information to expand the employee's personal connections on LinkedIn?  There are valid points to be fabricated on both sides of the argument but my take on it is this: a socially connected recruiter is a better recruiter. If you are serious well-nigh attracting swell talent then you need to empower your recruiters with all the right tools and contact information is essential to doing that.  In return I suggest that employers ask that their recruiters share their own contacts with the organisation every couple of months by exporting their connections from LinkedIn (easy to exercise) and handing over the file.  Information technology's a two way street after all. That mode both parties have "pare in the game" and their is an element of trust congenital into the deal.

NB, LinkedIn allow you to invite approx iii,000 contacts before requiring you to know anybody's email accost in accelerate. You can get blocked before three,000 but  inviting LinkedIn members using the method above does reduce your available requests and so use them wisely!  You can continue calculation contacts this manner, even past 3,000 just the next fourth dimension yous find an old colleague on LinkedIn and try to add them you volition need to enter a valid email address before the invite will be sent.  You accept been cautioned!

[box type="shadow"]This tip was 1 of many shared at Social Talent'due south LinkingIn for Recruiters breakfast briefing hosted by APSCO in London earlier this calendar week.  We will be running another APSCO hosted Breakfast Briefing on Tuesday 4th Oct in 2011; there are a limited number of places available here.

Our NRF & APSCO Breakfast Briefings contain material from our Orange Belt in Internet Recruitment course.



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