Slow Cooker Beef Chuck Roast Cooking Time 7lb

NOTE: An updated version of this recipe appears in my cookbook, The Ancestral Table.

Eye of circular is a pretty intimidating piece of beef. It'south an extremely lean cut taken from the hindquarters of the cow, which gets a lot of exercise. To be honest, I commonly just utilise the eye of circular roast to make jerky (along with london bake, which is too from the aforementioned surface area of the moo-cow) because making steaks and roasts with this part of the cow is unremarkably always a hazard.

The other twenty-four hours I stumbled upon a recipe that seemed both crazy and intriguing; you roast the meat at a high temperature for a while, and so you plough off the oven and leave it in there for 2 1/two hours. The end result is something like prime rib – a dark, crusty outside with a juicy, pink, tender inside. Honestly, it makes this adequately inexpensive cut of meat gustation almost 100x better than what you paid for. I may never melt an eye of circular roast whatsoever other mode for the rest of my life!

adjusted from All Recipes

You'll Need:
Eye of Round Roast (2-8 lbs. preferred, nosotros used a three lb. roast)
ane tsp kosher salt
1 tsp black pepper (coarse-footing preferred)
one/2 tsp dried thyme
4-6 cloves garlic, chopped finely

Mix together your seasonings and set them aside.

Take out your roast, rinse it and pat dry with paper towels. Rub the seasonings all over the roast, and let information technology sit out on the kitchen counter for thirty minutes. This allows the roast to attain room temperature, plus information technology lets the seasonings settle onto the roast. Preheat your oven to 500 degrees.

Identify the roast in a roasting pan or dutch oven and put it in the oven, fatty side upwardly. Roast at 500 degrees, uncovered, for 7 minutes per pound. Our roast was a picayune over three pounds, so I cooked it for 25 minutes.

Now comes the part that goes against everything I've e'er washed in the kitchen – turn off the oven completely and leave the roast in in that location for 2 1/two hours. Don't open up the oven door at all during this fourth dimension! Go watch a moving picture or something.

After 2 ane/2 hours, take the roast out and check its internal temp with an instant read thermometer. The temperature should be between 130-150 degrees. Put the finished roast on a plate and cover it with tin can foil, and allow it to residue for ten minutes.

Carve it into i/ii″ slices and savour!

As a quick reference, here are the standard temperature/doneness levels for roasts:

120°F to 125°F, (49°C to 52°C) = Rare
130°F to 140°F (55°C to sixty°C) = Medium Rare
145°F to 150°F (63°C to 66°C) = Medium

Update: based on the huge corporeality of slap-up feedback in the comments below, hither are some tips:

– Gas ovens sometimes don't retain oestrus well, so to exist safe, during the 2.five-hr "off" menstruation, perhaps go along your rut at the oven's lowest setting (probably 170) and cheque information technology afterward one 60 minutes (and every 30 minutes afterwards that) for doneness. Because you have the rut going, I requite you lot permission to open your oven door!
– If this is your first fourth dimension making this dish, consider doing the 170-degree method above just to be safety..
– You can use a roasting thermometer (the kind that stay in the roast while cooking), but acquit in listen that because information technology'due south metallic, it will conduct oestrus maybe overcook the roast. Trust the procedure!
– Some people take thrown in potatoes and root vegetables in with the roast and they've come up out tasty, and other people have used the pan drippings (if there are whatever) to make a pan sauce for the roast.
– If you are making this dish to impress some dinner guests PLEASE effort it in your own oven get-go! This is a very unproblematic and almost-foolproof recipe, but there is all the same a lot of variation in ovens, altitudes, etc. I don't desire to feel responsible for a ruined dinner party :)


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